• On reading,  Uncategorized


    Once in a while, I decide to reread favorite books from the past. Mostly these have been books I’ve read in the past few years. I’ve found audiobooks are a good way to revisit the favorites and sometimes they bring out even more from the books. Then there are books I read when a teenager, and sometimes even younger. I have such good memories of those books and yet I was a very different person at the time. I wonder if those books will stand up after so many years. I must admit to not revisiting many of those books. Today I was scanning a list of books of a…

  • On reading

    The problem with book series

    While browsing ebooks online recently I ran across the latest book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. It’s a book I will never read, not to mention a few others in the series. I read the first book years ago and while they were on sale, I got ebook versions of three or four more books. I regret that now because I haven’t even finished reading book two. I do pick it up once in a while and make progress. But anyone who knows the lengthiness of the books realises it takes a long time to finish one. I will finish the second book but who knows if I…

  • On reading

    At ease

    Last year I got heavily into doing lots of reviews for various websites and got rather bogged down with books. Part of this was due to long delays in responses to book requests. Part of it was due to taking on way too many books. At one point I think I had something like 22 books on my list at Netgalley. Currently, it’s down to just one book and my reading schedule is freed up. This year I think I will be more selective on books to review. My intention was to review more than just upcoming and recently released books and perhaps this year it will work out a…